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A Place in Time

Nov 26, 2024

A cornucopia of an episode as we explore the autumn harvest!  We sample some Townsends content, enjoy a Doug Wechter appetizer, indulge in an autumn harvest lesson from Tom Sosnowski, and for dessert, a column from Ben Long in 1934.  Walk it all off with an autumn soundscape!

Townsends on YouTube:

“A Place in Time” is a presentation of the North Canton Heritage Society.  The views, opinions, and comments made by the host, co-host, or guest are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the North Canton Heritage Society.

The North Canton Heritage Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, funded through memberships and the generosity of donations from businesses and the community.  Our mission is to connect people to the past by collecting, preserving, and sharing our history and heritage.

If you would like to be a member, please visit our website, our social media sites, or stop by Tuesday and Thursday, 10-2.